Lewis & Deo: Unsettled

Isaac Lewis / Jarid del Deo
The difference
Between me and the rabbit
Is not obvious.
We both prefer the sun.
We both overreact
To small noises.
Our anxiety keeps us
From starting revolutions.
- blue car, wet snow, 2018, oil on canvas
- off season, 2014, acrylic on panel
- unicorn, 2017, oil on panel
Cutting Trail Above Pestriak Point
My machete drips
Green foam
My boots crush pulp of
Devil’s club, fireweed,
Roses, elderberry,
Pushki spraying sap,
From below,
The new mountain path
Winds up slow.
I rest my juice-covered arms.
The sea is pinned taut.
Chest-high green
Slopes double black
To a wall of spruce.
An eagle
A tiny prick of black and white
Below us, above the bay.
Flies stick to my machete.
Stilled, I turn to again.
Here, we gather wrack
From an ancient
- set the controls for the heart of the sun, 2016, oil on panel
- daydream symmetry, 2017, oil on panel
- new empty room, 2017, oil on panel
The Plume
I kiss every fish I land,
Smacking the rocks for air.
In each deep hole, the bass
And carp, and salmon,
Point upstream.
They smell every
Water they move through.
Salmon, the nomads,
Rest, sinuous, slack.
In knots they go up
Rapid through shallows.
Upstream, man is
“Reckless and dangerous”,
Watching slow actinide decay.
Some try
To measure the migrations
Of yellow uranium salt runs,
Spawning new life
In ancient aquifers.
I live with
The terrible prophecy
Of a dead river.
A half-lifetime of waiting.
- four corners, 2018, oil on panel
- new england barricade, 2015, acrylic on panel
- angel, 2015, oil over acrylic on panel
Isaac Lewis is a lifelong outdoorsman and is planning his next career as a fisher-poet. He builds technology for a nonprofit in international medicine. He lives on the Columbia Plateau with his wife Sarah and a rotating cast of friends, relations, and foster children.
Jarid del Deo (b.1972) lives and paints in Biddeford, ME. He views himself as a documentary painter. He feels a connection to the tradition of representational picture-making and is committed to observation. He believes that his genuine appreciation for the common objects and scenes around him is what activates his pictures. He strives
to make images that can be understood individually and do not rely on a wider context.